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Clinics on Embodia

If you and another practitioner(s) in your clinic see the same patient or work with a patient in a collaborative fashion, you can easily share that patient with the other practitioners.

Once a patient is added to one practitioner's account (Practitioner A), there are a few ways to share that patient with another practitioner (Practitioner B) in your Clinic:

  1. Practitioner B can add the same patient to their Embodia account. Note: for this to work, the patient must be added with the same email address, first name, and last name. Learn how to add patients in our help article, Adding patients.

  2. Practitioner A can share the patient profile with Practitioner B (refer to the "Sharing a profile with another practitioner" section below for more info)

  3. You can allow practitioners in your clinic to search the full patient list: Practitioner B can search the clinic patients list for the patient, and connect to their account (refer to the "Searching the clinic patient list" section below for more info).

  4. You can share the full patient list with every practitioner in your clinic: When Practitioner A adds a patient, it will automatically show up under Practitioner B's patients list


Sharing a profile with another practitioner

Practitioner A can share the patient's profile with Practitioner B by going to the patient profile. Under the Summary tab, they can click on Share with a colleague.


Sharing a patient with another practitioner in your clinic on Embodia

Practitioner A then selects Practitioner B's (Sally Anne in our example) name from the drop-down and clicks Submit.

Sharing a patient with another practitioner in your clinic on Embodia
You will then see that the profile is being shared with Practitioner B (Sally Anne). You can share your patient with as many practitioners in your clinic as you wish.

Sharing a patient with another practitioner in your clinic on Embodia


Searching the clinic patients list

Important: By default, searching the clinic patients list is disabled. The clinic manager can enable it by going to My clinic > General info > Edit, and change the "Patient sharing behaviour" to "Allow every practitioner in the clinic to search the full clinic patients list".

Once the full patient list search has been enabled, Practitioner B can go to My patients > For clinic and search for the patient, and go into their profile. From the profile page, they can click on the "Connect to profile" button.


Sharing the full clinic patient list with every practitioner

Important: By default, sharing the full clinic patient list with every practitioner is disabled. The clinic manager can enable it by going to My clinic > General info > Edit, and change the "Patient sharing behaviour" to "Share the full clinic patients with every practitioner".

Once the full patient list has been shared with every practitioner, a patient added by Practitioner A will automatically show up under Practitioner B's patient lists.

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