Leadership Course For Physiotherapists

Leadership Course For Physiotherapists
This course includes
The instructors
Welcome to the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s online course that was recorded at the 2017 Leadership Forum!
Leadership can come from an older perspective; think of Enid Graham, the founder of physiotherapy in Canada, precisely 100 years ago. Leadership can look like someone in a position of power and influence analyzing and contributing to policy and governance. And leadership can also look like a new graduate with an insatiable curiosity and a drive to improve the practice of physiotherapy in Canada.
Some would say leadership is a process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal. While others have said it’s the capacity to translate vision into reality.
This online course is only one small part of what was taught, discussed and shared at the Leadership Forum.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, you will explore:
- Leading a Team – how do you build an engaged team that is able to withstand the tides of change?
- Self-Improvement – how do you identify your learning needs and fill in the gaps in your skillset?
- Innovation – what’s new and emerging? How do you stay one step ahead?
- Change and Practice Management – what steps need to be taken in order to implement change?
Whatever leadership looks like to you, universally it is agreed that leaders influence the energy of a group to achieve more, aim higher and succeed at bigger results than any one person can achieve on their own.
This online course is for all rehabilitation professionals, including physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, chiropractors, athletic therapists, exercise therapists, kinesiologists among others.
About the Presenters

Deri Latimer CSP, Positivity Speaking
Deri is an expert in positive possibilities for people! She is one of fewer than 12% of speakers globally who hold the designation of CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), a TEDx Speaker, Trainer and Organizational Consultant, Deri works with organizations who want to create happy, healthy, humane workplaces for increased positivity, productivity, and prosperity!
She has been a popular instructor in the University of Winnipeg’s Management Studies Program for over 15 years, designing full-credit courses and seminars in Resilience, Positive Psychology, Team Building, and Leadership Development. Deri’s client resources, including two books ‘Wake Up To Your Habits’ and ‘What’s Your Story? You Decide’, and an APP called ‘Mood Manager’, provide a rich resource of strategies and tools to shift your emotions, adjust your thinking, and positively impact your results.

Anne Sado, President, George Brown College
Anne Sado has been President of George Brown College since 2004. A strong advocate of experiential learning, Anne has emphasized the importance of deepening partnerships with industry across the GTA.
She was recognized as one of Canada’s Top 25 Women of Influence in 2014, a YWCA Woman of Distinction in 2012 and one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women by WXN over four years, leading to her induction in the WXN Hall of Fame in 2014. She was inducted as a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2015, inducted into the University of Toronto’s prestigious Engineering Hall of Distinction in 2010 and awarded the Ontario Professional Engineers Gold Medal in 2007.

Randy Goodman, B.Sc.PT., Dip. Sports P.T.
Randy is one of the premier Sport Physiotherapists in Canada. He has provided care and advice for some of the best athletes in the world in the field of injury recovery, return to sport and athlete development.
As well, he has coordinated care and development for multiple national teams including the Canadian Figure Skating and Freestyle Ski team, and consults with other national teams on the design of their integrated support for athletes. He has worked at the national/international level with hockey, basketball, soccer, volleyball, skiing, snowboard, figure skating, football, golf, athletics, triathlon, tennis, cross country skiing, wakeboard, swimming and diving, gymnastics, baseball, and Paralympic sports.

Andy Belanger, Coach
Coach Andy believes that a rewarding medical career is only possible when a doctor has harmony in his or her own life, and that harmony begins with easily meeting financial obligations.
He’s devoted the past 13 years to teaching seminars based on a business model for medical doctors that allowed him to realize his own dreams for success, and while working long hours, keeps professional burnout at bay.

Max Di Paola - founder ADDATECH Systems Inc.
Max is the creator of an information technology company that specialized in ‘ready for market’ product applications, consulting services and customized application development. However, in 1999 a life changing event for Max Di Paola aimed ADDATECH in a different direction. The outcome of this event became what we now know as “Clinicmaster”.
The instructors

Material included in this course
Welcome to this Course!
The Neuroscience of Leadership
Positive Thinking
Neural Networking
Say It, Don't Spray It
Do Dope, Avoid Cort
What's Your Story
Leadership Lessons Shaping Your Journey
Career Development
Building Networks
Lifelong Learning
Being your better self
Goals vs. Purpose
Values and Virtues
Best Use of You
Vision for the Future
Structure for Business Success
The Four Pillars
Proactive and Reactive Learning
Taking Charge
Micro and Macro
Proactive Budgeting
Post-Talk Tip
How can I get this course for free?
This course is free for Embodia Members. You can learn more about the membership options available by visiting the Embodia membership pricing page.
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.
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