CPA Congress 2022 Podium Presentations - Block 1 &2

CPA Congress 2022 Podium Presentations - Block 1 &2
This course includes
The instructors
Podium Block #1
Development and Validation of Physiotherapy Therapeutic Measure
Speaker: Dr. Erin McCabe
Session Description: We created a new patient-reported measure of the therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy for use in populations of people with musculoskeletal conditions. We then performed a validation study and report on its measurement properties.
Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines for Physiotherapists Working with People with Inherited Bleeding Disorders
Speaker: Dr. Erin McCabe
Session Description: This abstract describes the development of clinical practice guidelines for the physiotherapy care of people with inherited bleeding disorders.
Considerations for Developing and Implementing an Online Community-Based Exercise Intervention for Adults Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study
Speaker: Bernice Lau
Session Description: We conducted a qualitative descriptive study using web-based semi-structured interviews with adults across five different stakeholder groups in order to describe the need for and utility of online community-based exercise (CBE) interventions with adults living with HIV and identify factors to consider in developing and implementing an online CBE intervention with adults living with HIV.
The Experience of Care of Injured Workers Receiving Physiotherapy Treatments in-person and via telerehabilitation during COVID-19: A Qualitative study
Speaker: Anne Hudon
Session Description: This abstract presents the results of a qualitative project employing the Interpretive Description methodology. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 17 women and 13 men injured at work to explore their perceptions about the physiotherapy services provided to them in person and via TR. We analyzed the data using interpretive thematic analysis.
Does Feeling of Pain Prepare Us to Treat Pain? Exploring the Value of a Novel Experiential Approach to Teaching Physiotherapy Students About Pain
Speakers: Anne Hudon and Nathan Augeard
Session Description: This abstract presents the results of a descriptive qualitative study exploring physiotherapy students' perceptions of a novel teaching activity about pain. Nineteen physiotherapy students participated in a semi-structured interview to discuss the value, strengths, and weaknesses of this activity. The activity was perceived to be highly beneficial and shows promise as a novel strategy for improving pain education.
Assessing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Among Canadian Physiotherapists
Speaker: Dr. Nora Bakaa
Session Description: We conducted a cross-sectional survey that assessed cultural competency, cultural awareness and sensitivity, health disparities, as well as challenges associated with the delivery of physiotherapy services in Canada. In our study sample, there was very little diversity among Canadian physiotherapists. Our findings indicate a substantial need to improve current educational structures in DEI and promote the recruitment of diverse healthcare providers.
Podium Block #2
Methodological Approaches for Identifying Competencies for the Physiotherapy Profession: A Scoping Review
Speaker: Stephanie Scodras
Session Description: This scoping review aimed to synthesize the methodological approaches used to identify competencies for the physiotherapy profession in peer-reviewed empirical studies. Thirty-eight articles describing 35 studies were included. It was found that identifying competencies for physiotherapists is typically a multi-step process and that the methods and stakeholder groups consulted differ based on the objective of each methodological step.
Remote Assessment of Functional Performance is Reliable and Feasible: A Pre-Clinical Study
Speakers: Andrew Daly and Amanda Brunne
Session Description: We conducted a pre-clinical study examining test-retest and inter-rater reliability, feasibility, and acceptability of five remotely conducted functional performance tests. Participants include 24 healthy adults (25.5 +/- 3.1 years, 63% female). Inter-rater and test-retest reliability ranged from moderate to excellent, and feasibility and acceptability were high for all tests. Further research needs to be done in clinical populations.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospital-Based Physiotherapists’ Roles and Responsibilities
Speakers: Dr. Crystal MacKay and Jamie Coleman
Session Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound effects on our healthcare system. Hospital policies and protocols have been amended in anticipation of and to accommodate the increasing number of COVID-19 related hospitalizations. The Ontario Ministry of Health enacted the order for Work Deployment Measures for Boards of Health in April 2020. Under this order, healthcare staff may be redeployed to alternate locations, departments, and COVID-19 assessments centres in an effort to reduce the risk of staff shortages. It also gives hospital administrators the ability to implement changes to usual duties. Little is known about the impact of these changes on physiotherapy practice. Our research aimed to examine the impact of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital-based physiotherapists’ roles and responsibilities in Ontario, Canada.
Adapting a Group, Task-Oriented, Community-Based Exercise Program for People with Balance and Mobility Limitations for Virtual Delivery
Speaker: Dr. Navaldeep Kaur
Session Description: A theory-based approach, involving stakeholder consultation, and iterative evaluation through community partnerships, enabled the adaptation of an existing task-oriented, community-based exercise program to a virtual hybrid model for people with balance and mobility limitations.
Physiotherapy Curricula and Indigenous Peoples: a cross-sectional survey of Canadian physiotherapy programs
Speaker: Lisa Arcobelli
Session Description: This presentation describes the results of a cross-sectional survey of Canadian physiotherapy curricula exploring content related to Indigenous Peoples and their communities.
Confidence and Performance Asymmetries are Related to Psychological Readiness Following ACL Reconstruction at 6-month Post-Operation
Speaker: Brittany Bruinooge
Session Description: Emerging evidence indicates that injury-specific confidence may be predictive for return to sport (RTS) in patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLr).
This online course is available to all healthcare professionals. It is brought to you by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA).
This course was recorded at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress in May 2022.
The instructors

Material included in this course
CPA Congress 2022 Podium Presentations
Block 1
Block 2