Essential Reformer Pilates for Rehab

Essential Reformer Pilates for Rehab
This course includes
The instructors
Have a Reformer in your clinic space but not sure how to use it safely? Or perhaps you're curious about getting one but want to learn more before pulling the trigger? Clinical Pilates is having a real moment right now, but where to start? and how do you know if it's right for you?
This mini-course covers everything you need to get your feet wet in short, succinct videos. Learn the basics of safety and set-up as well as 16 of my most frequently used exercises. Get started in less than an hour without a huge time or financial commitment.
This Online Course Includes:
- Exercise Handout PDF for quick reference
- Set-up and Safety Guide PDF
- Exercise Selection Guide PDF for easy navigation of included exercises
- Intro module with general safety and usage
- Instructional videos for 16 exercises to address common rehab goals
Learning Objectives
In this online course, you will learn to:
Identify the parts of a Reformer and gain a rudimentary understanding of how they influence exercise design.
Safely set up and implement a Reformer exercise treatment plan.
Identify and perform 16 Reformer exercises to address common rehab goals.
Create a Reformer exercise treatment plan to address desired patient goals.
Designed specifically for rehab-minded professionals who want to learn about Reformer Pilates without investing ++ hours or money. The course curriculum was created for PTs, OTs, RMTs, chiros, kinesiologists, and personal trainers with a strong background in anatomy and physiology. Exercises are for use with the general population.
The instructors

Material included in this course
Reformer Set-up & Safety Guide
Setting Up the Stopper and Gearbar
Getting In/Out of Feet In Straps
Reformer Exercise Selection Guide
Exercise handout
Feet In Straps: Leg Circles
Hip Lift
Feet In Straps: Lift and Lower
Feet In Straps with light springs
Finding Lumbar Flexion with Back Rowing
Overhead Push-up with Swan
One Arm Twist (Back Rowing)
Long Box Arm Work
Side Body Twist in Half Kneeling
Mermaid with Overhead Push-ups
Scooter 2 Glute Press
Pilates Ball Leg Press with Jumpboard
Do I need to have a Reformer?
No, I've had several learners start my courses without a Reformer to begin with. Of course I would strongly suggest that you take the time to practice the exercises yourself to understand how they feel and how modifications impact your treatment goals.
What type of clinical setting is this course appropriate for?
Great question! The selection of exercises taught in this course are intended for use in a public or private outpatient setting. While many of them can be used in an inpatient rehab setting, some may not be as accessible.
Will I be ready to use a Reformer with my patients after this course?
This course will provide you with the knowledge of how to use a Reformer safely, however it is up to you to take the time to practice on your own or with a colleague before using a Reformer with patients. It is strongly advised that you gain proficiency with the Reformer and feel comfortable with the exercises first.
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.