The Current State(s) and Theories on Pain Management

The Current State(s) and Theories on Pain Management
This course includes
The instructors
The work of yoga is to discriminate between the changeable and unchangeable in Life.
In this session, Matthew J Taylor shares insights into the importance of discerning between those concepts in pain care. He'll weave together how pain theories continue to evolve (changeable), how your view of the world continues to and should change, and how to use that awareness as you explore this webinar series. He will make it fun, he'll probably make fun of a few of our misperceived theories, and he welcomes your discussion at the conclusion of the webinar.
Join Neil Pearson, Shelly Prosko, Marlysa Sullivan, and Matthew J Taylor for Yoga and Science in Pain Care Chapter 3: The Current State(s) and Theories on Pain Management
Learning objectives
In this online course, we will:
- Have fun reviewing some pain theories and the present state of uncertainty that has become more acutely evident this year.
- Leave with a framework to better appreciate and celebrate your present circumstances in working with yoga and pain care.
- Be able to articulate that your ongoing creative responses are normal and fallible, and certain to change.
This course and the entire Yoga and Science in Pain Care series is intended for:
- Practitioners including yoga therapists and healthcare practitioners interested in integrating yoga with their persistent pain population to expand their approaches in clinical practice
- Yoga teachers interested in understanding aspects of the science behind yoga and pain
- Medical/healthcare professionals who want to better understand pain or want to integrate yoga and mind/body practices
- Mind/body contemplative practitioners/researchers/clinicians who want to better understand the science around pain and how yoga as a mind/body practice works with people in pain
- Yoga practitioners or integrative health consumers who want an in-depth read with practical knowledge in this field.
- Yoga therapist programs and medical university/college programs that require online course study in pain care
- Schools that have online mind/body programs as stand-alone modules or as part of medical programs and other mind-body institutions.
- People suffering from pain, particularly those keen about learning some practices to help with pain self-care and who want to learn more about the value of integrating pain science and yoga
We also hope that this series will help bring together yoga therapists and health professionals. There is value in blending science and yoga therapy in pain care – for the person in pain, for the health professional, and for the yoga professional.
The instructors

Neil is a physical therapist, yoga therapist, author, researcher, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, faculty in three IAYT-accredited yoga therapy programs, board member for the International Association of Yoga Therapists and pain care advocate. He conducts research into the effects of yoga on veterans with chronic pain and people with osteoarthritis. Neil is the recipient of awards honouring his work in pain care, patient education and physiotherapy by Queen’s University, the Canadian Pain Society and both provincial and national physiotherapy associations, including the Canadian 2021 Medal of Distinction.
Neil is a consultant to Partners in Canadian Veterans Rehabilitation Services, and to Lifemark’s 300+ clinics in Canada. Neil is a past board member for Pain BC, Canada’s premier non-profit transforming the way pain is understood and treated. He co-authored – Yoga and Science in Pain Care 2019, authored the patient education ebook, Understand Pain Live Well Again in 2008, and is lead contributor to many free patient resources offer by Pain BC.
For more information and course offerings, see


Shelly is a physiotherapist, yoga therapist, educator, author and pioneer of PhysioYoga who has been integrating yoga into physiotherapy since 1998 with a focus on chronic pain, pelvic health, compassion in healthcare and professional burnout. She guest lectures at numerous yoga therapy and physiotherapy schools, presents at yoga and medical conferences globally, contributes to academic research and writing, provides mentorship to professionals, and offers courses and resources for yoga and healthcare practitioners and the general population. Shelly is a Pain Care Aware Lead Trainer.
She considers herself a lifelong student and emphasizes the immense value gained from clinical experience and learning from the patients she serves, the professionals she teaches, and the colleagues with which she collaborates.
Shelly has written several book chapters in yoga therapy and integrative rehabilitation textbooks and is co-editor/author of Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain. She maintains a clinical practice in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada and believes compassion is the foundation of healthcare and overall well-being.
Learn more about Shelly’s work at to learn more

Marlysa is a physiotherapist and yoga therapist with over 15 years of experience working with people suffering with chronic pain conditions. She is an Assistant Professor in Yoga Therapy and Integrative Health Sciences at Maryland University of Integrative Health and holds an adjunct position at Emory University, where she teaches the integration of yoga and mindfulness into physical therapy practice in the DPT program. She is also the author of Understanding Yoga Therapy: Applied Philosophy and Science for Well-being and co-editor of Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain as well as several peer-reviewed articles.
Marlysa has been involved in the professionalization of the field of yoga therapy through the educational standards committee of IAYT, which helped to define the competencies for the field, and in characterizing the yoga therapy workforce through research. Her research interests focus on defining the framework and explanatory model for yoga therapy based on philosophical and neurophysiological perspectives.
Material included in this course
Yoga and Science in Pain Care Chapter 3: The Current State(s) and Theories on Pain Management
Chapter 3 Intro
Consciousness Awareness Chart
Consciousness Awareness Chart Continued
Helpful Points
Case Study
Questions Part 1
Questions Part 2
Chapter 3 Closing Questions
Is this course part of a series of courses?
Yes, this individual course is part of a larger series: The Yoga and Science in Pain Care Book Club Series. You can choose to register for this individual session or you can register for the entire series at a discount. Click here to learn more and register for the entire Yoga and Science in Pain Care Book Club Series.
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.
Is the Course Eligible For CEU's?
The answer is dependent on your profession and geographic location of practice. For Canadian Physiotherapists, this webinar series counts towards your learning hours and professional portfolio.
For other professions and jurisdictions, please submit the webinar and course descriptions and objectives we have provided to your professional association to review.
For Physical Therapists in the U.S., The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) Continuing Competency Team has announced that it is re-evaluating the process of CEUs or CCUs and has discontinued the aPTitude system and ProCert program that we would have used to submit for CEUs/CCUs for this course. Notification from the FSBPT can be read here. This Forum article discusses the future focus of the FSBPT continuing competency initiative.
This course series may qualify toward learning hours but we cannot guarantee this.